Trademark Renew

Trademark Renew


Trademark Renewal

Once a Trademark is registered, it remains valid for 10 years. You need to renew it at the interval of every 10 years by paying off the renewal fee to the Trademark Department. Trademark renewal helps you enjoy continuation of benefits, like brand usage, etc.

 Due date and Renewal fees

You can renew your Trademark anytime within 6 months of expiration of trademark registration. Any delay above 6 months will cost your extra fees and documentation. If the process of renewal is not completed within 12 months of expiration of the trademark, the latter will be abandoned (removed for the Trademark registry).

 Trademark and Renewal – Difference

The former is different from the latter in documentation, procedure, fees and time taken.  The latter, renewal is easy to handle, provided if it is done one time.

The team at MyOfficeStaff is skilled and experienced with all Trademark related procedures.